Volunteer Opportunities

"Genealogical Data" Volunteers On-Site or At-Home:
We are looking for volunteers to join our Digital Resources Team on a special project. If you enjoy data entry, are familiar with spreadsheets, this might be a project for you. If you have experience in database construction, that would be a great asset for us.
"Information Management" Volunteer On Site:
We are looking for someone to transfer and organize existing datasets for easy access on desktop computers in the Terry Punch Research Library. This will require you to work from our location on Ochterloney Street in Dartmouth. The work requires well-developed computer skills, copying and implementing links, transferring files by email attachment, flash drive, and external harddrives, and organizing and displaying of files.
"Family & Vertical File Cataloguer" On Site:
We are looking for a fourth person to become part of the existing cataloguing team working on family and vertical files.  The volunteer should have typing skills, and will use online library cataloguing software part of the time.  Some experience would be an asset.
If you are interested in any of the positions:
please Email us if you are interested or want further information.
     Collection Processing