Member Benefits
"The Nova Scotia Genealogist":
The NSG is our Award-Winning Research Journal.  Originally, a mix of news and research reports, it is now a pure research journal.  All back issues, from 1983 to the latest issue, are available to Members.

"The Living Connection":
Our Bi-Monthly Newsletter is packed  with upcoming events, interesting videos and news links, profiles of community heritage groups and museums, feature articles, and the editor's 'thought piece'.

Library Services:
You have access to one of the best Research Libraries in the world for Nova Scotia genealogy and local history.  The catalogue is easily accessible onine for books, vertical files, and family files.  Canadian members  can borrow books from our Circulating Collection free of charge, and we have Lookup Service available for an inexpensive price.

Education Programs;
We hold Monthly Lectures in-person for the public and live-streaming to members, provide How-to Teaching Materials, put on occasional Hands-on Workshops, and organize our Annual Zoom Conference in the spring and our Annual Heritage Lecture in the fall.

Genealogical Data:
Many members just come for the data.  Think of Cuba Gooding Junior, hopping up and down while on the phone, yelling at Tom Cruise to "Show me the Money!".  A lot of members arrive, wanting us to "Show me the Data".  Fortunately, we have all kinds of that stuff.
Member Discounts
Discounts of 20% are available to members for admission to Workshops, Conferences, Data Publications, Local History Books, and Research Queries.

If this looks good to you, then sign up at the Member Join page.