Education Programs
In 2019, the Board of Directors committed to make Educational Programs a first priority, and we have been expanding and improving what we provide since then.
The implementation was impeded by the pandemic, but we went full-bore in 2023.  That year, we held 7 Monthly Lectures, a two-day Virtual Conference in the spring, and our Annual Heritage Lecture in the fall, all of them video-recorded and made available to members.  In 2024, we have added live-streaming for all of the lectures.
We took hold of the Newsletter, turned it into a Bi-monthly publication, and developed a set of regular columns and news reports.  It typically runs now to about twelve pages in length. The Research Journal still needs work, but we have big plans for it, and this is the next frontier for improvement in our educational offerings. 
In short, we have invested heavily with volunteer time and financial expense to deliver a strong package of educational programs to members both near and far.
This section is organized with a number of specific program pages, also represented with sub-menus to the left:
Susan Hill Award
Our annual writing competition is currently underway, aimed at recognizing unpublished genealogical essays about Nova Scotia. Manuscripts of 1500-2000 word lengths, with appropriate source references and citations, must be submitted by 31 May 2024 to [ ]. The winner will receive a $250 prize and the winning essay will be published in the Summer Issue of the Nova Scotia Genealogist journal. Susan Ann Hill (1959-2014) was an avid genealogical enthusiast who conducted her research in Cumberland County for nearly 30 years and was very active as a volunteer in various heritage organizations.